Dear European brothers and sisters, on the holy day of Christmas eve, please try to see through our eyes what happened and happens here in Israel. In 24 hours, 1100 Israeli civilians and 350 soldiers were killed by a horde of 3,000 bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists, but also many “normal’ Gaza citizens: assassinated, burned, decapitated, hundreds of them taking months to identify.
It is half of the numbers of soldiers killed in the 1973 October War, double the soldiers killed in the Six Day War, equal to civilians killed in the suicide bombings of the 5 years second intifada. And I don’t speak of 250 hostages taken to Gaza, a prime even by ISIS standards, including children, from a 10-month baby (which they lately claim was killed in an Israeli bombing with his mother and brother), to 17 years old. After a partial deal, Hamas refuses to liberate 17 women, who we know were violated, and two children.
If we don’t destroy the Hamas in Gaza, we will be destroyed by 150,000 missiles of Hezbollah, the missiles and drones of the Houthis and pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq. Yesterday they fired missiles to Eilat from Iraq. And Iran stays safe!
As to the destruction in Gaza, take in consideration the terrain for the military operation. We knew about the tunnels, the Metro, we bombed in 2021. But we also were amazed by the sheer magnitude and sophistication of the 500 km of tunnels. A whole country, not city, underground. It cost probably more than a billion dollars to build, only for the use of the 30,000 Hamas members. As two of their leaders said lately: We have the tunnels, the UN takes care of the civilians.
As to the killed numbers: 19,000 civilians claimed by the Hamas ministry of Health. How do they know the numbers when they don’t control 50% of the territory? We numbered at least 7,000 terrorists killed. Children: we know from research of the past operations, that some 40% of youngsters 12-17 killed were armed terrorists. There are hundreds of Hamas videos showing their training. After the operation finished, they were presented on Facebook as armed martyrs, which permitted us to number them.
We didn’t see huge demonstrations in Europe against the Assad regime or its Russian allies, after the killing in the civil war of half a million Syrian citizens and 9 million refugees, 5 million of them abroad, 1 million in Germany alone.
So, unfortunately, we have no choice but to continue our struggle for survival.
Please, please try to understand us too, and Have a nice and quiet Christmas!
It’s not possible to understand you anymore, because it’s too much. Too much.
Just to hear another perspective, read please:
An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians
“La giustizia esige la sconfitta di Hamas non la vendetta contro i Palestinesi”. Sono parole del filosofo americano Michael Walzer che personalmente trovo molto equilibrate. Non ci sono che morte e distruzione in questo drammatico conflitto mediorientale, e penso che poco o nulla potrà essere ricostruito quando le armi taceranno. Ciò vale per Gaza ma anche per la società israeliana che (temo) ne uscirà devastata al proprio interno. Comprendere le ragioni degli israeliani nella loro lotta contro un brutale movimento terrorista come Hamas, non può impedire di ribadire che la violenza contro i civili inermi non può portare a nessuna soluzione ma soltanto generare ulteriore dolore e violenza. E ciò purtroppo da entrambe le parti del conflitto. La domanda che io allora mi pongo è: fino a quando si proseguirà su questa (pericolosa e mortifera) strada?