Corea Nord Archivio

This week’s summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin was of historic significance. It extended global tensions that began with …
24 giugno 2024/
/ Francesco Sisci

North Korea bombards tension and helps Russia
The extended Russian fighting in Ukraine is causing global geopolitical tremors across Eurasia. Seventy years ago, the war in Korea heightened tensions and the threat …
5 gennaio 2024/
/ Francesco Sisci

Korea, Vietnam, Ukraine
The US-NATO-Ukraine-Russia War is “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” to borrow Churchill’s October 1939 comment on the staggered invasions of Poland …
31 luglio 2023/
/ Moss Roberts

The “zombie” Kim and his wide impact on China
In the Korean TV series Kingdom, broadcast on Netflix, an evil pregnant queen hatches a daring plan to get her baby to the throne, replacing …
4 maggio 2020/
/ Francesco Sisci

Corea del Nord: la difficile verità
Il vescovo emerito di Gand, Luc Van Looy, esperto di cose coreane, ha scritto in una lettera alcune sue considerazioni a Francesco Strazzari. Caro Francesco, …
27 aprile 2020/
/ Luc Van Looy

Asian troubles, is Kim dead?
Days after a first report, news of the demise of Kim Jong-un, leader of the hermit communist kingdom of North Korea, are pouring in. Even …
26 aprile 2020/
/ Francesco Sisci

A Russian ploy for North Korea
The recent summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was not so much about Korea as it was about …
27 aprile 2019/
/ Francesco Sisci

Korean conundrums
Dismantling checkpoints at Panmunjom is a clear signal that Seoul and Pyongyang want to move ahead with their own meaningful steps toward a peace process …
20 novembre 2018/
/ Moss Roberts

Se il papa andasse in Corea…
Qualcosa di importante sta probabilmente maturando nella Corea del Nord, sia in campo politico sia per quanto riguarda i rapporti con la Chiesa. Dopo l’incontro …
15 ottobre 2018/
/ Antonio Dall'Osto

Gallagher in Seoul, an agrement at the Vatican?
The yet uncertain peace process between the two Koreas has many fathers and even more sides besides the historical meeting between the US and the …
7 luglio 2018/
/ Francesco Sisci
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